Assignment Update

More news! I have heard from my Bishop, who has informed me that I have been assigned to my home synod, the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA. There is a chance, depending on how conversations go, that I could be released to another synod in the region, but right now, Metro Chicago is where I’ll be. I hope to soon begin conversations with the Bishop and with congregations to discern where the Spirit’s call will lead.

This also means that I anticipate leaving Ohio in the next few months. It has taken most of the last nine years, but Columbus has become home. Though I’ll be returning to the city of my roots, it will be difficult to leave behind all of the connections I’ve made with the people, city, and land here. It will be even more difficult for Debbie when she moves after our wedding. I am returning home–she is leaving it behind. We both trust the Spirit to guide us where we need to be, but it will mean some changes and new adventures.

4 thoughts on “Assignment Update

  1. Congratulations on your assignment! May you and Debbie find plenty of blessing in the upcoming changes…. But in the meantime, enjoy all the possibilities!


  2. Praying for you both during this time of discernment and anticipation! I gotta admit – it’d be nice if y’all had ended up a little closer to Baltimore (but this means I’ll have to come visit you in your new digs). 🙂


  3. Thank you! May change come swiftly–I’m tired of waiting around. And sorry, Sarah, but none of the options right now put my any closer to Baltimore 😦 .


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